• WPC Minutes July 2013

    Weybourne Parish Council

     Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 3rd July, 2013 at the Village Hall, Weybourne, commencing at 7.30pm.


    Present: Keith Morley (Chair), Walter Wood, Duncan Smith, Robin Woodhouse

    Pat Floyd, Penny Taylor, Tony Baylis, and the Clerk. Also present was David Young (NNDC).


    1a. To receive and consider apologies

    Apologies were received from M.Rayner and J.Taylor. Apologies were also received from M.Baker (NCC) and PCSO.Baxter.

    1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items

    KM declared an interest in 4(a) – Payments.

    2.   To approve the minutes of the meeting held 5/6/13 (circulated)

    The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted and agreed as a true record following the word “granted” being inserted at 5a after the word permission.

    3a.  Resolution re Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)

    No members of the public were present.

    3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.

    D.Young (NNDC) reported on the following :- (a) The Council recently elected Lyndsay Brettle as Chair and Barry Smith as Vice-Chair. (b) The new materials recycling facility contract had been delayed and the June meeting of the full council had been cancelled (c) Cabinet papers show that the last financial year resulted in a surplus of approx.£185k (d) A Buildings at Risk Register had recently been compiled and included the Priory Ruins (e) The introduction of a Community Infrastructure Levy had been suspended.

    3c. To receive Police Report

    The Clerk read the e-mail received from PCSO.Baxter. A safety mirror had been stolen which had been placed adjacent to the highway. WW informed members that he had spotted a broken one in a nearby builders skip and the Clerk would notify the police accordingly.

    4.   Finance:

    (a)   To approve invoices for payment:-

    Secret Gardens £78.00 (grass cutting), J.Green Payroll Services £70.00, (PAYE serv)

    E-on £125.72 (electricity), P.Bullimore £238.60 (clerks salary), HMRC £59.60 (tax)

    Weybourne V.Hall £26.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £14.20 (clerks expenses)

    K.Morley £26.68 (Chairs course travelling exps).

    ** The above payments, scheduled on the agenda, were approved.

    The balances, totalling £9355.15 and verified by TB, were noted.

    (b)    To consider cost & arrangements for photocopying.

    A payment of 3p per copy was agreed as payment to the Clerks others councils.

    (c)     To note income due from VAT claims & grass cutting subsidy.

    The Clerk had submitted a claim to HMRC for VAT in the sum of £1154.73

    A payment of approx.£400 was due to be received from Norfolk CC for grass cutting.

    The above prospective receipts were noted by members.

    (d)    To consider Environment Agency invoice; Drainage Chg (Community Field)

    The Clerk would make further enquiries regarding this invoice.

    5.  Planning:

    (a)    To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting

    Nothing received.

    (b)    To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.

    None received.

    (c)     To receive verbal report on meeting re proposed changes at Kelling Heath Caravan Pk.

    The Chair reported on members attendance at what was a pre-planning meeting regarding a few more caravans on the old chicken shed site and some new cabins on the old tourer site which was in the parish of Kelling. Noted by members.


    6.  Highways & Footpath matters:

    (a)    To receive update & progress further car parking for the village.

    The Chair agreed to follow up on the Clerks letter to a local land owner to which there had been no reply.

    (b)    To receive update re Highways Partnership Scheme (LED lights)

    Norfolk CC had announced that parishes would receive the 75% grant up to a maximum of 30 lights. It was agreed to proceed with the replacement of 30 lights with a decision on the remaining lights (7) to be made at another meeting. The Clerk was instructed to write to T.T.Jones Electrical informing them of the PCs decision and at the same time obtain information as to which lights were replaced in 2010 under the SCIRA grant.

    (c)     To note/consider the missing “no fouling” dog signs nr beach car park.

    The Clerk would ask NNDC Environmental Health Dept. to replace the signs.


    7.  Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)

    It was noted that NALC’s AGM would be on 5/10/13 – details to follow.

    8.  Allotments:

    (a)    To receive report re allotments (RW)

    RW reported that two of the new plots had been taken. He would be liaising with the Clerk who would be sending out three warning letters to allotment holders whose plots were not being maintained to a satisfactory standard.

    9.  Village Hall:

    (a)    To receive report re Village Hall (PF)

    PF had nothing to report to members.

    10. Cemetery & Churchyard:

    (a)   To receive update & consider repair of War Memorial

    The Clerk reported the following :- (a) the Heritage Lottery Fund gave grants for this work from £3k to £10k but required an education element to be incorporated into schemes.  i.e. there would have to be a “learning process” involved as well as restoration work on the war memorial (b) The Parochial Church Council had stated that the memorial did not belong to the Church as it was paid for by public subscription and like most memorials its maintenance was probably the responsibility of the PC acting on behalf of the parishioners. It was also pointed out that some restoration work was carried out in 2003. (c) an inspection and written report from a stonemason would cost £50 – £60.

    The Clerk informed members that in his opinion a stonemasons report was required before the PC could proceed further. This was agreed and the Clerk would contact Nick Hindle, a recognised expert in this field, to carry out an inspection  a.s.a.p.  

    (b)   To further consider extension to maintenance contract with T.Hadlow

    Reporting back to members the Clerk informed the PC that Tony Hadlow (GardenAid) was happy to accept an extension of a further three years to his contract at the same price of £320 per calendar month (terminating 2016). He did however request small additional funding towards materials up to a maximum of £40 p.a.  The extended contract and terms were accepted by members and the Clerk would inform Tony Hadlow accordingly.

    (c)    To further consider report from T.Hadlow re “dropped graves”

    Estimated by Tony Hadlow to be around 15 graves that might be involved, members approved an additional payment of approx. £40 for turf. Members were appreciative of Tony Hadlow providing his labour free by incorporating the work into his normal maintenance schedule.

    (d)   To receive verbal report re Churchyard Public Liability Insurance

    The Clerk was still making enquiries following what appeared to be a difference of opinion between the PC insurers (Aon) and the Church solicitor as to who should cover what.

    (e)    To receive verbal report on public notices re proposed work on trees

    The Clerk had now returned the notices that had been displayed on the notice boards to the Diocesan Registrar in Norwich. He hoped permission to carry out the work would be received from them shortly.

    (f)    To approve area re interment of ashes in south section

    Members agreed to the southern part of the new section to be used for interment of ashes. They also approved the use of the east bank in the new section for this purpose.

    11. Harry Dawson Playing Field:

    (a)    To receive report re HDPF (PT)

    PT reported the following :- (a) the committee was still awaiting quotes for the fencing (b) new equipment for next year was being planned (c) the memorial seat had been delivered (L.Woodhouse).

    12. Weybourne Community Fund:

    (a)    To receive report re WCF (KM)

    The Chair again reminded members of the next major event on 25/8/13 (Fun Day

    13. To consider Nfk Coast Partnership questionnaire (circulated)

    Information was still circulating and it was agreed to put this matter on next agenda.

    14. To consider/establish a co-option procedure for councillors.

    It was agreed the Clerk, liaising with KM & PF, would draft a procedure based on PF’s original document, for approval at the next meeting.

    15. To consider Newsletter (PF)

    PF would be circulating her final draft to members for approval.

    16. To consider arrangements for NNDC Energy Box.

    It appeared that the Clerk and the previous clerk both received a box. Members expressed concerns at the lack of interest from parishioners, the practicalities of storage and distribution of the box, and the difficulty of understanding the technical information contained in it. The Clerk was instructed to return one box expressing these concerns to NNDC, and WW would retain the other box for parishioners to use with a notice to this effect being placed on the notice board.


    17.  To receive General Correspondence (not included in agenda items above)

    The Clerk drew attention to the following :-

    Sheringham Shoal Newsletter, Aon Insurance acknowledgement, NNDC Tree Works applications being displayed on website, and various NALC information. All to be circulated in the red box.

    18. Resolution re Public Participation (comments/other matters)

    No members of the public in attendance.

    19.  To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items.

    This was confirmed for Wed. 7th August, 2013 – 7.30pm.

    Further grit bins, and the rights and ownership of the footpath leading to the allotments would be placed on the agenda.

  • WPC Minutes June 2013

    Weybourne Parish Council

    Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 5th June, 2013 at the Village Hall, Weybourne, commencing at 7.30pm


    Present: Keith Morley (Chair), Pat Floyd, Mike Rayner, Robin Woodhouse,

    Janice Taylor, Duncan Smith, Tony Baylis and the Clerk.

    Also present was PCSO.Baxter.


    1a. To receive and consider apologies

    Apologies were received from Wally Wood and Penny Taylor. Apologies were also received from D.Young (NNDC) and M.Baker (NCC)


    1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items

    RW declared an interest in 4(a) – Payment to his son’s business.

    2.   To approve the minutes of the meeting held 1/5/13 (circulated)

    Subject to the following addition and amendments the minutes were accepted as a true record.

    Addition: page 1, in attendance, insert “Clerk Designate” after Peter Bullimore.

    Amendment: page 1, first line, correct date should read 1st May, 2013.

    Amendment: page 3, Weybourne Comm. Field should read Weybourne Comm.Fund.

    3a.  Resolution re Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)

    No members of the public present.

    3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.

    D.Young (NNDC) had sent a report via e-mail which was read to members. It would be circulated in the Red Box.


    3c. To receive Police Report

    PCSO. Baxter gave a brief report in which it was stated that there had been 7 calls from parishioners since the last meeting and 2 recorded crimes (theft from purse and NNDC car park machine and contents stolen). There was a discussion when the possibilities of a tracker being placed in the new machine, the need for an alarm system, and CCTV being installed were all considered.

    4.   Finance:

        (a) To approve invoices for payment:-

    Nfk Parish Training Partnership £35.00 (Chairs course), Aon Insur £1280.95 (prem)

    Graphic Edge £51.50 (signs & newsletters), Secret Gardens £78.00 (grass cutting),

    E-on £121.68 (electricity), P.Bullimore £298.20 (clerks salary),

    Weybourne V.Hall £27.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £11.10 (clerks expenses)

    Norse Commercial Servs £295.16 (HDPF mtce), Anglian Water £4.81 (allotments)

    ** The above payments, scheduled on the agenda, were approved as was an urgent payment to Lloyd Mills in the sum of £6.00 regarding postages.

    (b)    To consider the creation of a Reserve Fund

    It was agreed to establish a reserve fund (3rd bank account) and the Clerk was instructed to contact Barclays and make the necessary arrangements depositing four thousand pounds (£4,000) from the Community Account.

    (c)     To consider using “J.Green Payroll Services” (re clerks pay)

    It was agreed to appoint J.Green Payroll Services for 2013/14.

    (d)    To note/consider the Declaration for Members/Clerk re A-on Insurance

    The Clerk read the declaration to members who agreed to contact him with any information relating to this, for transmission to the insurers..

    (e)     To review Internal Audit procedure for members (KM)

    The Clerk provided a copy of the procedure adopted previously and it was agreed that members, on a rota basis, carry out the basic audit checks prior to meetings.

    (f)      To agree Annual Returns for submission to external auditors.

    Members agreed the Annual Returns (Sections 1 and 2) which were duly signed by the Chairman. The Clerk would display a notice regarding Electors Rights on the notice board and forward the returns to the external auditors (Mazars)

    5.  Planning:

    (a)    To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting

    The following was noted :-

    PF/13/0157 – Erection of dwelling/garage at 2, Martin Close – permission.

    (b)    To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.

    None received.

    (c)     To consider provision of public toilets  (from Annual Parish Meeting)

    It was agreed that the cost of building as well as the annual maintenance expenditure made this a project that the PC could not consider.

    6.  Highways & Footpath matters:

    (a)    To further consider speed signage on road surface of A149

    A negative response had been received from NCC Highways Dept and members agreed to remove this item from the agenda

    (b)    To consider/progress further car parking for the village (KM)

    The Chairman thought that the PC owed it to the village to try and create further car parking. It was agreed that he would liaise with the Clerk and write to local land owners with a view to try and obtain land for this purpose.

    (c)     To receive update re Highways Partnership Scheme (LED lights)

    The Clerk had been informed that there had been delays created by late submissions by some parish councils to NCC. The Clerk remained optimistic re WPC’s bid and hoped to have some news soon.


    7.  Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)

    The Chairman’s course was taking place on 10th and 17th June.

    An invitation from Kelling Heath Holiday Park had been received for members to attend a meeting in order that they could outline their proposals regarding changes to the site prior to the planning application being submitted to NNDC. It was agreed that KM, PF and DS attend on 12/6/13. (TB would act as substitute if required)

    8.  Allotments

    (a)    To receive report re allotments (RW)

    Members agreed with RW’s plan to split 3 plots into 6 smaller plots with 3 parishioners already waiting. The three prospective allotment holders would submit their applications to the clerk. RW informed members that TB had agreed to assist him with the running of the allotments.

    (b)    To consider fence repairs adjoining the allotments (JT)

    The Clerk was instructed to write to Victory Housing regarding the damaged fence.


    9.  Village Hall:

    (a)     To receive report re Village Hall (PF)

    PF gave a brief report which included an incident regarding a possible fire which turned out to be a faulty light.


    10. Cemetery & Churchyard:

    (a)    To consider repair of War Memorial (JT)

    After discussion it was agreed that the Clerk (a) makes further enquiries regarding the Heritage Lottery Fund (b) contacts a qualified stonemason for an opinion on the restoration of the memorial and (c) liaises with the PCC.

    (b)   To consider extension to maintenance contract with T.Hadlow

    It was agreed that the Clerk and Chairman contact Tony Hadlow (Gardenaid) offering him an extension to his contract in the form of a short term agreement for 12 months with perhaps a small increase in the monthly payment, or a long term contract fixed at the current price. The Clerk would report back to members.

    (c)    To note & consider report from T.Hadlow re “dropped graves”

    The Clerk was instructed to request further information from Tony Hadlow asking him the number of graves involved and the costs of rectifying this problem.

    11. Harry Dawson Playing Field:

    (a)    To receive report re HDPF (PT)

    A brief report from PT was read by the Chairman. (at a meeting on Friday quotes would be considered by the committee for work on the fence, and new equipment prices would be looked at)

    12. Weybourne Community Fund:

    (a)    To receive report re WCF (KM)

    KM reported on the resounding success of the Country Fayre on 26th May which had probably set a record attendance. The Village Picnic/BarBQ which followed was supported by about 60 people. The next event would be the Fun Day on 25/8.

    13. To consider creation of a “post/e-mail out” file (KM)

    This was agreed and the Clerk would make this file available to members when required including meeting nights.

    14. To consider/establish a co-option procedure for councillors (PF)

    PF supplied a draft procedure for members and at the Chairman’s suggestion it was agreed to treat this as a core document to be considered by the PC and discussed  again at the next meeting.

    15. To consider future newsletter (PF)

    PF supplied a proof of her draft newsletter and asked members to contact her within the next two weeks with any additions or amendments before she went to print.

    16.  To receive General Correspondence (not included in agenda items above)

    The Clerk drew attention to the following :-

    Letter from the Police re Misuse of village halls (sent to all PCs)

    NCC notice re Mobile Library programme (copy to go on notice board)

    The above to be circulated in the red box.

    17. Resolution re Public Participation (comments/other matters)

    No members of the public in attendance.

    18.  To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items.

    This was confirmed for Wed. 3rd July, 2013 – 7.30pm.

    A questionnaire from the Norfolk Coast Partnership regarding second/holiday homes would be circulated and placed on the agenda.

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