WPC Minutes July 2014

Weybourne Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 2nd July, 2014 at the Village Hall, Weybourne, commencing at 7.30pm
Present: Keith Morley (Chair), Walter Wood, Mike Rayner, Robin Woodhouse,
Pat Floyd, Janice Rose, Tony Baylis and the Clerk. Also present were D.Young (NNDC), and two members of the public.

1a. To receive and consider apologies
Apologies were received from Penny Taylor and M.Baker (NCC).

1b. To receive update and consider vacancy on parish council (CV circulated)
As per the co-option procedure the applicants CV had been circulated. It was agreed to co-opt Peter Gallally on to the PC and he would be invited to the next meeting where he would be asked to sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

1c. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items
No interests declared..

2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 4/6/14. (circulated)
The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record.

3a. Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)
No requests to speak on agenda items.

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.
D.Young (NNDC) reported on the following :- (a) a loan had been made to Broadland Housing to help finance further homes (b) a surplus of £119k for the last financial year had been transferred to General Reserves (c) although it appeared that car park night time charges were to be dropped there would be a period of consultation to consider a free short stay period (d) there was to be an extension regarding flood damage grants (e) exhibitions would be held at local libraries re the Coastal Path (f) gave an update on local neglected properties.
M.Baker (NCC) had offered his apologies.

3c. To receive Police Report
There had been no apologies or Police Report submitted and the Clerk was requested to write to the police accordingly. i.e. written report to be sent for meeting if no Officer or PCSO is in attendance.

4. Finance:
(a) To approve invoices for payment:-
P.Bullimore £286.40 (clerks salary), NNDC. £748.80 (dog bin emptying 2014/15)
Weybourne V.Hall £22.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £45.90 (clerks expenses)
Secret Gardens £76.00 (grass cutting), HMRC £14.80 (tax on sal), K.Griffiths £25.00
(Intern.audit), T.T.Jones Electrical £49.96 (qtly.mtce)
*** The above payments, scheduled on the agenda, were approved.
5. Planning:
(a) To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting
The following were noted:-
PF/14/0450; continued use of land as camp site etc..- permission refused
PF/13/0157; non-material amendment re 30A Beck Close – permission given.
The decision for the first application, relating to Bolding Way, would be circulated.
(b) To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.
None received.
(c) PF/14/0673; Erectn of Extn at 7, Church Farm Close (circulated)
Members agreed to support this application.
(d) PF/14/0656; Erectn of Wind Turbine at Bodham (circulated)
Members agreed to object to this application.

6. Highways & Footpath matters:
(a) To receive update re the pond in Beach Lane.
The Clerk had received an optimistic response from the Dudgeon Offshore Windfarm
in that they “would be willing to consider of being some assistance”. The Clerk would be speaking further to the Environment Agency to see if they would be at least willing to manage the project and liaise with the Dudgeon contractors (not to be appointed until Oct/November 2014). Noted by members.
(b) To reconsider road safety nr.steam railway station and bridge.
The HGV signs were now in place but members instructed the Clerk to contact M.Baker (NCC) again regarding the need for traffic lights or some other control as they did not agree with the Highways Engineer about visibility surrounding the bridge.
(c) To consider concern of parishioner re the Marlpit & his boundary wall & trees
A further site visit had taken place and expert advice was received confirming WW’s opinion regarding the wall. (tree roots from the Marlpit were not responsible for the wall collapsing – it was probably due to the weight of the soil pressing against the wall which was only single skin and not strong enough). Whilst on the site visit overhanging trees were noted as being in need of trimming along with elm trees in the south-west corner of the Marlpit site which needed felling. A quotation from Mark Sadler in the sum of £320 was accepted for this work and the Clerk was requested to obtain the appropriate permissions for this tree work from NNDC and Natural England.
Natural England were involved, and controlled the Marlpit site, because it was an SSSI. (Site of Special Scientific Interest). The Chair and Clerk hoped to meet a representative from Natural England at the Marlpit fairly soon.
(d) To consider writing a letter to parishioners/volunteers for cleaning footpaths
The Clerk was instructed to write to Hugh Guyatt and Paul Craske thanking them for their good work in the village.
Following a report from the Chair it was agreed to purchase a beach buggy/cart to assist in the clean up of the beach (£48.99).
(e) To receive update re use of local volunteers for “speed-watch”.
It was agreed to carry this matter forward to the next meeting. Todate there had been no responses to the Clerks advertisement for volunteers.
(f) To consider future use and maintenance of the Marlpit.
The Clerk had arranged for more warning signs to be made and these would be put up soon. Tony Hadlow had strimmed the front of the site currently used for car parking. The future use of this site could not be progressed until the Chair and Clerk had met with the representative from Natural England (see minute 6c).

7. Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)
M.Baker (NCC) had arranged a meeting re Broadband.
(Holt Community Centre, 17/7/14, 6.30pm) – Noted by members.

8. Allotments:
(a) To receive report re allotments and allotment holders meeting (RW)
RW reported that basically all was going well on the allotments and this was reflected at the meeting held earlier when there was no major concerns from the tenants. It was agreed that another tenants meeting would be useful and this had been fixed for 28th September at 4pm (meeting at the Community Field with a possible BarBQ).
A list of tenants names was to be drawn up by the Clerk, and hopefully their contact details would be added so that further communication between tenants could be encouraged. An informal committee might be formed who would liaise with RW on allotment matters.
(b) To note & consider quotation for maintaining path, west of the allotments.
Tony Hadlow had quoted £72 pa for maintaining the path west of the allotments however a tenant had agreed to take this on free of charge. The PC accepted the tenants kind offer.

9. Village Hall:
(a) To receive report re Village Hall (PF)
PF reported that there had been a lot of trouble with the boiler. She would update members at the next meeting.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:
(a) To receive update re the state of the old gates at the west entrance.
The Clerk had informed the PCC that the PC was happy to accept the kind offer of gates from an anonymous donor and asked the PCC to pass on the parish councils thanks.
(b) To receive update re disease in large oak tree near the west gates.
Approval had been received from the Diocese Office to fell this tree and Mark Sadler hoped to carry out the work on 16th July.

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field:
(a) To receive report re HDPF (PT).
In the absence of PT the Chair reported the delivery of the new pirate ship and the WCF were planning its installation.
(b) To receive update/consider damage to fence on playing field.
It was agreed to write to the owner of the digger instructing him to remove it within seven days or legal action would be taken against him. The Clerk was further instructed to refer the case to Eastlaw (NNDC. Legal Services commercial arm) if a negative response was received.

12. Weybourne Community Fund:
(a) To receive report re WCF (KM)
The Chair confirmed the Fun Day on 24/8/14.

13. To note position re new contract for the Clerk
The Chair and Clerk would continue to work on a new contract/document based on the NALC model.

14. To receive update re repairs/maintenance of the War Memorial
The Clerk had instructed the stonemasons to carry out the work and had been informed by them (H.L. Purfitt) that it would probably be during Aug/September.

15. To further consider car parking in the village
The Chair would be writing to Sir MS enquiring about land as soon as he had obtained the full home address.

16. To consider submitting a request to NNDC for residents free parking on the Beach Lane car park
After discussion the Clerk was instructed to write to NNDC requesting consideration be given to free parking for local residents issued with a parking permit based on the Electoral Register.

17. To receive General Correspondence (not included in agenda items above)
Nothing received.

18. Public Participation (comments/other matters)
No comments or matters raised.

19. To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items.
This was confirmed for Wed. 6th August, 2014 (7.30pm)
Apologies were given by MR.

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