WPC Minutes September 2018

Weybourne Parish Council

MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Wednesday, 5th September, 2018. at the Village Hall, Weybourne. (7.30pm)

Present: Pat Floyd (Chair), Walter Wood, Peter Gallally, Ruth Gallally, Robin Woodhouse, Andy Crawford, Lyndon Swift, Penny Taylor, and the Clerk.
Also present were D.Young (NNDC), S.Butikofer (NCC), and eight members of the public.

1a. To receive and consider apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from Janice Rose. Apologies were also received from PC.Gower-Smith.

1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items
No interests declared on agenda items.

1c. To welcome new member & signing of Declaration of Acceptance of Office
The Chair welcomed Lyndon Swift to the council and congratulated him on his by-election success. He duly signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office which was witnessed by the Clerk. He was asked to complete his Register of Interest forms which would be forwarded to NNDC.

2a. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 1/8/18.
The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record.

3a. Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)
No requests to speak on agenda items.

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.
*** D.Young (NNDC) reported on the following :- (a) Cabinet considered recommendations from the recent review of the Local Plan; further work regarding innovations in the provision of affordable housing and the introduction of the Community Infrastructure Levy. (b) further investment in the Egmere Business Zone. (c) Cabinet recommended the provision of a grant of an interest free loan up to £425k to support the delivery of 66 “extra care flats” in Fakenham. (d) a capital budget of £600k to fund the “ Public Convenience Strategy” (e) agreement to appoint legal counsel for the windfarms development consent orders. (f) based on July figures there is a projected underspend of £353k in this financial year.
*** S.Butikofer (NCC) reported on the following :- (a) the Police & Crime Commissioners consultation on him taking over the governance of the Fire Service; members at NCC want things to stay the same as there are no real savings (b) report re fly-tipping and charges for DIY waste (c) the fight goes on to protect mobile libraries (d) referred to the state of Weybourne beach – see minute 6b.

3c. To receive Police Report.
No report received. The “Cluster” newsletter continues to be received via email.

4. Finance:
(a) To approve invoices for payment:-
P.Bullimore £255.70 (clerks salary), HMRC £63.80 (tax on clerks salary)
Weybourne V.Hall £16.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £36.14 (clerks expenses)
E-on £60.34 (electricity), E.Farrow £88.00 (VAS), Morston PC £21.72 (copying),
Secret Gardens £76.00 (grass cuts), Anglian Water Business £48.25 (allot.water)
*** The payments, as scheduled on the agenda and above, plus two other payments, were approved. The other payments were as follows :- E.Farrow, an additional £45 re VAS maintenance and Secret Gardens, an additional £76 re grass cutting.

5. Planning:
(a) To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting
The following were noted :-
PF/18/1189; Stable Lads Cottage; change to residential use – withdrawn.
PF/18/0982; Slys Close, The Street; outbuilding – approved.
(b) To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.
None received.
(c) PF/18/1058; Conversion to 2 dwellings; Gasche’s, The Street.
It was agreed “no objections” to this application.
(d) To receive update re Hornsea Windfarm.
Following the submission of the planning application a Notice of a Preliminary Meeting had been issued by the Planning Inspectorate. This meeting would consider the procedure to be adopted and the way forward (Norwich, Blackfriars Hall on 2/10/18 at 9am).
(e) To receive update re Affordable Housing
The Clerk reported that he had been informed by NNDC that the parish council owned land (community field and allotments) was no longer being considered and other possible sites were now being looked at. NNDC was looking at land off the Holt Road and off the A149 in the west of the village.

6. Highways & Footpath matters:
(a) To receive update re the restoration of the pond in Beach Lane
The Norfolk Coast Partnership was still waiting for costings for this project.
(b) To receive update re the state of the beach
S.Butikofer (NCC) had spoken to officers at NNDC and had been informed that the beach would be “cleaned-up” when the other outstanding work is carried out. i.e. moving back the bank. Some members were concerned with this as this work was supposedly to be carried out over a year ago.
(c) To receive update re “gates” on A149 near cemetery.
News re any possible refund from NCC would not be available until after the end of the financial year (31/3/19).
(d) To receive update re Community Transport Scheme for Weybourne
A new print run of “information leaflets” was in the pipeline.
(e) To consider /note Highways Parish Partnership Scheme – 2019/20.
The cost of adding a “data collector” to the existing VAS was approx. £350 but the Clerk informed members that after lengthy discussion with the NCC Highways Engineer it was obvious that permission would not be granted to move the existing 30mph signage further east towards Sheringham (A149 – nr.cemetery) so that it was safer for pedestrians. S.Butikofer (NCC) would speak further with the Highways Engineer.
(f) To consider additional dog bin for beach car park.
This could be removed from the agenda as D.Young (NNDC) had dealt with this to members satisfaction.

7. Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)
NNDC – Update re new Local Plan (30/10/18 – 6pm) – PF and LS to attend.

8. Allotments:
(a) To receive report re allotments (RW)
RW reported that there was still some vacant plots. It was hoped to have a bonfire to burn the garden waste fairly soon.

9. Village Hall:
(a) To receive report re Village Hall.
The Clerk summarised the WVHMC report which had been emailed to members.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:
(a) To receive update re War Memorial & path thro C’Yard
War Memorial: The Clerk referred to last months minutes and members agreed that this should again be removed from the agenda.
Path: There was no further news from the PCC.
(b) To receive update re connecting water supply to the cemetery.
Bringing the water supply from the allotment site to the cemetery would be very costly (£1,600 plus) and members agreed not to pursue this further but would get the repairs carried out to the shed guttering etc. to collect the optimum amount of rainwater. The Clerk was instructed to arrange for the necessary work to be carried out.

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field: (a) To receive report re HDPF (PT).
PT reported on the field being well used and the arrival of three new tables for the site

12. Weybourne Community Fund: To receive report re WCF (RW)
RW reported on the August Fun Day which had not been so well attended as in the past. He thought that the date clashed with other competing events.

13. Governance: To receive update re Data Protection Regulations.
Nothing further to report.

14. To receive update re installations for Deep History Coast
The Clerk reported that he had not received a reply follwing the request for toilets and additional litter bins (D.Young/S.Butikofer to follow this up). He laso reported that (a) NNDC were hoping to develop an app (b) promotion of a cycle trail (c) the launch of the project would be Spring, 2019 with a formal opening in May, 2019.

15. To receive update re Communications (Phone, TV, B’Band)
The Clerk had spoken with Norfolk CC, Head of Technology regarding mobile coverage. This was illustrated well on their website map showing the cover given by the four mobile network operators. Members in general thought the 4G in the village was satisfactory and it was up to individuals to deal with their service providers on this matter.
16. To receive General Correspondence. (not included on agenda)
Email from WVHMC informing members of the hall closure in October.
Dudgeon Newsletter (Summer 2018)

17. Public Participation (comments/other matters)
Having only just received his resignation the Chair said she was sad to inform members that the Clerk was leaving in 3 months time.
A member of the public raised concerns re the earth/rubble being deposited on the Muckleburgh land adjacent to the car park.
A brief discussion re signs in the village resulted in the Clerk being instructed to place the matter on the next agenda.

18. To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items
This was confirmed for Wednesday, 3rd October, 2018 (7.30pm)
Cllr. Swift kindly agreed to the Function Room at the Ship being used as the village hall was not available.

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