WPC Minutes August 2018

Weybourne Parish Council

MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Wednesday, 1st August, 2018. at the Village Hall, Weybourne. (7.30pm)

Present: Pat Floyd (Chair), Walter Wood, Janice Rose, Peter Gallally, Ruth Gallally,
Robin Woodhouse, Penny Taylor, and the Clerk. Also present were D.Young (NNDC), S.Butikofer (NCC), and five members of the public.

1a. To receive and consider apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from A.Crawford. Apologies were also received from PC.Gower-Smith.

1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items
No interests declared on agenda items.

2a. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 4/7/18.
The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record subject to one amendment. The amendment was as follows :- (17) Public Participation
In the final sentence delete the word “being” and insert the words “could be”.

2b. To receive update re parish council vacancy.
NNDC Electoral Services had announced there would be an election and the statutory notice (Notice of Election) had been published on the NNDC website, WPC website, and the village notice board. The Clerk had been informed verbally by NNDC that the election could cost the parish council approx. £1,500. The closure for nominations would be on 2/8/18 and published on 3/8/18. If contested the day of the poll will be Thursday, 30th August, 2018 (7am – 10pm).

3a. Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)
No requests to speak on agenda items.

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.
*** D.Young (NNDC) reported on the following :- (a) the waste contract with Kier had been extended to March, 2020; the intention is to combine the contract with some other authorities (b) financial penalties being introduced for owners of sub-standard rented properties (c) small adjustment by full council of the number of seats on committees (d) agreed change in the articles of Victory Housing Trust to enable proposed merger with Flagship Housing Group Ltd. (e) still looking and requesting information from Head of Paid Services re empty properties in Weybourne.
*** S.Butikofer (NCC) reported on the following :- (a) concerns re lack of police officers; following the termination of PCSO’s the extra police officers now employed have gone to Norwich; no changes in rural areas (b) the Police & Crime Commissioner consulting on taking over the Fire Service (c) D.I.Y.charges to remain in place for the time being (d) further cuts over the next four years being debated at County Hall; mobile libraries still being reviewed (e) poor attendance at the Holt meeting re the Hornsea Project Three Windfarm (Chaired by N.Lamb MP).

3c. To receive Police Report.
Apologies received from the police.
4. Finance:
(a) To approve invoices for payment:-
P.Bullimore £255.50 (clerks salary), HMRC £64.00 (tax on clerks salary)
Weybourne V.Hall £16.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £37.15 (clerks expenses)
E-on £58.40 (electricity).
*** The payments, as scheduled on the agenda and listed above, were approved.

5. Planning:
(a) To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting
The following had been approved by NNDC :-
PF/18/0788; Dwelling at Breck Farm.
PF/18/1032; Extension at Gable End, The Street.
PF/18/1067; Erection of side & rear extension at 33, Beck Close.
(b) To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.
None received.
(c) To note PC decisions re PF/18/0880, PF/18/0982, & PF/18/1189.
Under the PC’s new policy (planning applications between meetings) the following decisions had been conveyed by the Clerk to NNDC :-
PF/18/0880; Old Orchard House; No objections.
PF/18/0982; Slys Close, The Street; No objections.
PF/18/1189; Stable Lads Cottage; No objections.
(d) To receive update re Hornsea Windfarm.
JR and the Clerk had attended the recent meeting at Holt. This had been chaired by N.Lamb MP. and the main topics of conversation were (a) the AC/DC question and why another project had already announced its decision to go with DC (b) the apparent lack of research on many matters before submitting the application to the Planning Inspectorate.
(e) To receive update re Affordable Housing
D.Young (NNDC) confirmed the negative response received in the past from a local land owner re buying land for affordable housing. The Clerk had received a better response from another land owner but the area had very poor access problems on to the A149. However this had been referred to NNDC Housing.

6. Highways & Footpath matters:
(a) To receive update re the restoration of the pond in Beach Lane
The Clerk reported that the Norfolk Coast Partnership had informed him of the following :- (a) Norfolk Wildlife Trust were happy with the proposed scheme (b) the Environment Agency could not assist with the major work of “digging out” as it was not part of their remit. Amphibious plant was required and therefore costs were now being obtained before another meeting was arranged.
(b) To receive update re white lines in Church Street & Station Road.
It was agreed that the existing white line outside Hydrangea Cottage could be extended a further 4m to the dropped kerb. The Station Road line would remain as it is and this item would be removed from the agenda.
(c) To receive update re “gates” on A149 near cemetery.
Members approved the new gates and the Clerk would make enquiries re the total cost (originally estimated at £2k).
(d) To receive update re Community Transport Scheme for Weybourne
The Clerk had written twice but had not received a reply re his request for posters etc.
The Clerk was instructed to write a third time to NNCT asking for information.
(e) To consider /note Highways Parish Partnership Scheme – 2019/20.
The Clerk had informed members at the previous meeting of the new scheme and after much discussion re speeding on the A149 the Clerk was asked to make enquiries as follows :- (a) the costs and work of moving the 30mph signage near the cemetery (A149) further east towards Sheringham (Traffic Orders etc). (b) the cost of adapting the current VAS so that it could collect data thereby providing a case for moving these signs.
(f) To consider additional dog bin for beach car park (PG).
D.Young (NNDC) agreed to make enquiries and report back.
(g) To consider lack of communication re recent filming at the beach/car park.
The Chair said she had been left “speechless” with the chaos caused by a film production company that took over the car park/beach area. The PC had received numerous complaints regarding people not being informed and D.Young (NNDC) had expressed his concerns to staff at NNDC regarding the lack of communication. The Chair hoped this would not happen again and D.Young (NNDC) would follow this up again with staff at NNDC.

7. Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)
The Clerk announced the following :-
NNDC – Local Plan Workshop- 30/10/18 & 1/11/18 – carried forward to next agenda.
WW1 commemoration by Kelling PC (11/11/18) – noted and members to attend.
N.Lamb’s Tour – Kelling (A148) on 30/8/18 – noted.

8. Allotments:
(a) To receive report re allotments (RW)
RW reported that a new tenant from Weynor Gardens had taken an allotment garden.

9. Village Hall:
(a) To receive report re Village Hall.
The WVHMC report had been emailed to members. The paragraph re creating an operating agreement with the PC was noted.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:
(a) To receive update re War Memorial & path thro C’Yard
The Clerk informed members that he had spoken at length with Father Phil Blamire on two occasions and summarised the position regarding the memorial as follows :-
1. Father PB had referred this matter again to the CEO of the Diocesan Advisory Committee and the DAC had turned down the request for an additional memorial as they would all additional memorials.
2. The DAC are aware of the plaques immediately inside the church which will “preserve” the names listed on the memorial.
3. The memorial is in good condition but further enquiries re preserving the lettering has proven negative.
4. The memorial is Grade 2 listed and therefore we cannot change or add to it.
5. The local church is keen to point out that it is not a reluctance on their part but the decision from the Chancellor, on advice from the DAC, is final.
The path running to the east gate is still in the hands of the PCC.
(b) To consider connecting water supply to the cemetery.
A letter from a parishioner, requesting a water supply at the cemetery, was read to members. Initial thoughts were that the costs of such a project would be high but the Clerk and RW would make some enquiries and report back to members.

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field: (a) To receive report re HDPF (PT).
PT reported on another good fund raising bingo.

12. Weybourne Community Fund: To receive report re WCF (RW)
RW reminded members of the Fun Day on 12/8/18.

13. Governance: To receive update re Data Protection Regulations.
The Clerk had nothing further to report.

14. To receive update re installations for Deep History Coast
The Clerk had confirmed acceptance of NNDC’s proposals but as yet had not received a reply regarding toilet facilities and extra waste bins.

15. To receive update re Communications (Phone, TV, B’Band)
Communications being a very large subject the Clerk reported back to members on Broadband. It seemed that internet speeds varied a great deal but after speaking to many people, including parishioners, it appeared it was more down to the individual rather than the PC. Referring to enquiries with Karen O’Kane (Programme Director with Norfolk County Council on “Better Broadband”) she informed the Clerk that (a) Weybourne was already covered by fibre based broadband (b) there is a map on the NCC website referring people to this (c) Internet Service Providers do not automatically move people to a fibre based service, therefore people should contact their ISP (d) the PC can do nothing further other than encourage parishioners to “shop around” for ISPs who will give them the deal they want (like other utilities such as electricity). (e) fibre coverage has now reached 85% of Norfolk. Noted by members.

16. To consider future financing of village defibrillator.
The Holt & Communities First Response organisation had asked the PC to take over responsibility for the defibrillator including the financing of a new machine when required in a few years time. This was agreed and the clerk would respond accordingly.

17. To receive General Correspondence. (not included on agenda)
The Police & Crime Commissioner’s consultation re Governance of the Fire Service was referred to members. All political parties at County Hall opposed the move of the PCC taking responsibility for the Fire Service and it was left to individual members to respond if they wished.

18. Public Participation (comments/other matters)
There was a brief discussion regarding the provision of infrastructure to support new housing developments in Sheringham and Holt.

19. To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items
This was confirmed for Wednesday, 5th September, 2018. (7.30pm).

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