WPC Minutes June 2018

Weybourne Parish Council
MINUTES of the Parish Council Meeting held on
Wednesday, 6th June, 2018. at the Village Hall, Weybourne. (7.30pm)

Present: Pat Floyd (Chair), Janice Rose, Peter Gallally, Ruth Gallally,
Robin Woodhouse, Andy Crawford, Penny Taylor, and the Clerk. Also present were
fifteen members of the public.

1a. To receive and consider apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from D.Heley and W.Wood. Apologies were also received from PC Gower-Smith, D.Young (NNDC), and S.Butikofer (NCC).

1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items
No interests declared.

2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 2/5/18.
The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record subject to one minor amendment. The amendment was as follows :- Item 8(a) third line; “He intended to you use his truck…..” Delete the word “you”.

3a. Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)
Many parishioners had attended to speak on item 5(e) – Affordable Housing and 8(a) Allotments. In view of this the Chair took item 5(e) next (see minute further on).

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.
*** D.Young (NNDC) reported via email on the following :- (a) new Chair appointed at NNDC (Nicholas Coppack); Vice- Chair is Brian Hannah (b) the new Splash Centre is due to be opened in early 2021; the rest of the site is due to be developed with the cost budgeted at £10.7m. (c) the Sports Hub based around the indoor tennis facilities at Cromer are on track for opening in May, 2019; the cost budgeted is £3.45m.
*** S.Butikofer (NCC) had offered her apologies.

3c. To receive Police Report.
*** Police Report received via email (a) one crime in the past month reported to the police; nothing to concern the PC with (b) warning re thefts taking place in neighbouring parishes.

4. Finance:
(a) To approve invoices for payment:-
P.Bullimore £291.44 (clerks salary), HMRC £73.00 (tax on clerks salary)
Weybourne V.Hall £16.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £32.96 (clerks expenses)
E-on £56.52 (electricity), P.Floyd £8.65 (APM Exps), Norse £348.12 (HDPF mtce)
Anglian Water £48.17 (allot.water), Secret Gardens £76.00 (grass cutting),
Community Heartbeat £282.00 (defib.battery), NNDC £111.80 (cemetery bin)
*** The payments above, as scheduled on the agenda, along with three additional payments, were approved. The additional payments were as follows :- E.Farrow £135.00 (allotment work), K.Griffiths £50.00 (internal audit fee), and Secret Gardens £76.00 (grass cutting).
(b) To consider the following for 2017/18 :- Internal Audit Report, Governanc
Statement, Accounting Statement, and SA Certificate of Exemption.
All members had received copies of the Annual Accounts, Annual Returns, and all associated paperwork. (a) members considered and noted a satisfactory internal audit report (b) members approved the Annual Governance Statement (c) members approved the Accounts and Annual Return (AGAR) (d) members, after discussion, agreed that the SA Certificate of Exemption could be completed. Items b, c, and d, were duly signed by the Chair and the Clerk/RFO. The Certificate of Exemption from External Audit (d) would be forwarded to PKF Littlejohn.

5. Planning:
(a) To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting
Nothing received.
(b) To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.
PF/18/1032; Demolition of garage/erectn of extn at Gable End, The Street.
It was agreed “no objections” to this application.
(c) To consider Norfolk CC consultation on draft Nfk.Access Improvement Plan.
Members agreed that they did not wish to respond.
(d) To receive update re Hornsea Windfarm.
No further news.
(e) To receive update re Affordable Housing
The Clerk informed members that the following had been received :- (a) email from Cllr.A.Crawford updating members on allotment holders concerns re using this land, and (b) letter written by a tenant (TB) on behalf of many concerned allotment holders. The Chair summarised the position todate stating that the village needed affordable housing for local people and this idea of using PC land was only a tentative suggestion. She opened the meeting to parishioners who were in favour of affordable housing but, in summary, not at the expense of losing allotment gardens many of which had been cultivated for years. Many suggestions were made including tidying up the allotments to make them more appealing to prospective tenants, and inviting the local school to take an interest. The Chair stated that problems associated with the allotments could be discussed at 8(a) but opened the meeting for members to consider the way forward on this matter. She suggested members reconsider the decision regarding the allotment land and it was agreed that the allotment site would be withdrawn from NNDC’s list of areas to be considered. It was queried why the Harry Dawson Playing Field had not been looked at. Members instructed the Clerk to write to NNDC stating that the allotment gardens were no longer available for consideration as an affordable housing site.
(f) PF/18/0667; Erection of outbuilding; The Gullies, The Street.
Members agreed “no objections” to this application.
(g) To note parish council decision re PF/18/0788; Dwelling at Breck Farm.
Based on members replies to the Clerk, NNDC had been informed “no objections”.

6. Highways & Footpath matters:
(a) To receive update re the restoration of the pond in Beach Lane
Two emails had been received from the Norfolk Coast Partnership stating that they were currently making enquiries with the Environment Agency as to whether all, or part of the “digging out” work was their responsibility and would therefore reduce the cost of the scheme to local interested parties.
(b) To receive update re white lines in Church Street & Station Road.
There was doubt as to how far the white line in Church Street needed extending and it was agreed to leave this until the next meeting when the County Councillor would be in attendance. The Station Road white line had been extended although the PC had not considered the matter any further. Following the Chair’s suggestion that this needed extending again it was agreed the Clerk makes enquiries with the Village Hall Management Committee regarding public parking (non hall users) as it would appear that the few spaces left for parking were gradually disappearing.
(c) To receive update re “gates” on A149 near cemetery.
Following receipt of a computerised image from NCC Highways members agreed that they go ahead with the project which included placing the “Weybourne” signs on the gateway and reducing the height of the current 30mph signs.
(d) To consider a Community Transport Scheme for Weybourne (PG)
Following a brief discussion the Clerk was instructed to make enquiries regarding local transport schemes and report back to the PC.

7. Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)
The following were noted :-
Email from Hilary Cox, re Cromer Shoal Chalk Bed (PG to attend meeting)
Norfolk CC Roadshow; Cromer, 12/6/18 – Noted.
Merchant Navy Day; Monday, 3rd September, 2018 – Noted.

8. Allotments:
(a) To receive report re allotments (RW)
The Chair again adjourned the meeting for public participation following the letter from a tenant (TB) on behalf of allotment holders expressing concerns re the way the gardens were being run and pointing out matters that had been outstanding for a considerable time. TB stated that his letter, which had been circulated to all councillors, said it all, as things had been outstanding for months. The idea of an allotment holders committee was raised again in order that their spokesman could communicate with the PC. Following much discussion, when the Chair allowed parishioners to have their say, it was agreed that a skip would be obtained before the next meeting to deal with the “rubbish problem” and the notice board would be repaired a.s.a.p.

9. Village Hall:
(a) To receive report re Village Hall.
The emailed report had been circulated to members and was noted.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:
(a) To receive update re repair of roadside/verge adjacent to cemetery lay-by.
NCC Highways contractors had carried out the work and the lay-by surface was much improved. Noted.

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field:
(a) To receive report re HDPF (PT).
PT reported that new picnic tables had been acquired and another good bingo session had been held recently.

12. Weybourne Community Fund: To receive report re WCF (RW)
RW reported on what was a very successful country fayre and a village BarBQ which was well attended.

13. Governance: To receive update re Data Protection Regulations.
The Clerk stated that the GDPR Policy and the PC’s Privacy Statement/Promise were now on the website and he would be carrying out an audit of information held a.s.a.p.

14. To receive General Correspondence. (not included on agenda)
Nothing received.

15. Public Participation (comments/other matters)
Further discussion re white lines (see 6b) and cones being placed near the station on the busy steam weekend.

16. To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items
This was confirmed for Wednesday, 4th July, 2018. – (7.30pm)

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