WPC Minutes May 2017

Weybourne Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on
Wednesday, 3rd May, 2017 at the Village Hall, Weybourne.

Present: Pat Floyd (Chair), Walter Wood, Janice Rose, Peter Gallally, Ruth Gallally,
Robin Woodhouse, Penny Taylor and the Clerk. Also present were D.Young (NNDC) and two members of the public.

1a. To Elect Chairman & sign Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Pat Floyd was elected Chair for the coming year (Prop: WW, Sec: RW) and she duly signed her Declaration of Acceptance of Office.

1b. To receive and consider apologies
Apologies were received and accepted from A.Crawford. Apologies were also received from M.Baker (NCC) and PCSO. Jonas.

1c. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items
No declarations made.

1d. To receive update and consider vacancy
This item was taken at the end of the agenda with no members of the public present. The Clerk reported that an advert had been placed in the Holt Chronicle and one response had been received with the applicants brief CV being circulated to members. It was agreed to invite the applicant to the next meeting for an informal interview.

2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 5/4/17.
The minutes, which had already been circulated, were agreed as a true record.

3a. Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)
No requests to speak on agenda items.

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.
D.Young (NNDC) reported on the following :- (a) there was no full council meeting in April (b) NNDC’s bid for money from the Coastal Communities Fund had failed; this was to help develop the “Deep History Coast” (c) the number of councillors had been reduced from 48 to 40 in the N.Nfk Electoral Review; a new ward had been created covering coastal parishes and would be named “Coastal”. (d) update re the Hornsea Project Three (e) looking at possible exception sites for affordable housing.

3c. To receive Police Report.
The Clerk had been informed via email that crime statistics would only be available for Weybourne when a PCSO attended a meeting and was able to “breakdown” the group statistics currently being provided. The Clerk was asked to request the attendance of a PCSO more often at meetings. It had been many months since a representative of the police had attended a meeting.

4. Finance:
(a) To approve invoices for payment:-
P.Bullimore £248.89 (clerks salary), HMRC £62.00 (tax on clerks salary)
Weybourne V.Hall £15.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £33.45 (clerks expenses)
E-on £48.54 (electricity – lights), B.Regis PC £53.33 (1/3 share of computer fee),
NNDC £109.20 (cemetery bin collection), Graphic Edge £16.20 (publicity leaflets),
Raycar Publishing £24.00 (advert re vacancy), Norfolk ALC £134.70 (annual sub),
Secret Gardens £38.00 (grass cutting)
*** The payments, as scheduled on the agenda and listed above, were approved.

5. Planning:
(a) To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting
The following was noted :-
PF/17/0146; Rooflights at 25, Pine Walk – permission given.
(b) To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.
PF/17/0641; Demolition of conservatory and erection of rear single storey extension.
It was agreed that members had “no objections”.
(c) To receive & consider update re 25 & 25a Pine Walk.
DY had updated the annual parish meeting expressing his frustrations regarding these properties.He would report again at the next meeting.
(d) To note/consider the new Windfarm cable route (PF)
The Clerk, PG, RG, and AC had attended the recent consultation meeting at the NNDC Offices (19/4/17). Information given by a parishioner at the last meeting was not correct in that the cable route was yet to be decided, with no decision as to whether it would travel east or west of the car park. It was hoped to receive further information in early September, 2017.

6. Highways & Footpath matters:
(a) To consider re-positionng of 30mph signs nr. Cemetery on A149 (AC).
AC had requested this matter be placed on the agenda and after consideration it was agreed the Clerk contacts the NCC Highways Engineer.
(b) To note/consider damaged fences, east and west of Beach Lane (RW)
The Clerk would again contact the Highways Engineer to determine ownership and/or
Responsibility for these fences.

7. Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)
Members noted the NALC Conference on 7/7/17 – the Clerk hoped to attend.

8. Allotments:
(a) To receive report re allotments (RW)
RW reported that the allotment gardens were looking as good as they had ever been and agreed to follow up on the long outstanding rent.

9. Village Hall:
(a) To receive report re Village Hall (PF)
PF reported on the toilet floors being repaired/treated and the plans to re-decorate various areas. She stated that the new fire doors would be fitted soon.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:
(a) To note condition of flint boundary wall nr A149
Members noted the Clerks verbal report regarding the old flint wall and agreed that budget provision needed to be made for future repairs which would be expensive.

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field:
(a) To receive report re HDPF (PT).
PT stated that the maintenance man was carrying out small painting jobs but there was nothing else to report.
(b) To receive update/ consider letter received re land adjacent to 36, Beck Close.
There was nothing further to report.

12. Weybourne Community Fund: To receive report re WCF (RW)
RW reported that the Easter Egg Hunt had gone well and reminded members of the May Country Fayre coming up on Bank Holiday weekend.

13. To note review of all Governance Matters (standing orders, financial reg etc)
The Clerk stated that he hoped to have a new set of standing orders for members consideration at the next meeting.

14. To note completion of Electoral Review of North Norfolk.
As already referred to during the District Councillors report (3b) the village of Weybourne will be part of a new ward called “Coastal”. This ward will consist of many coastal parishes.

15. To receive General Correspondence (not included in agenda items above)
The following were noted :-
(a) Coasthopper timetables.
(b) E-on electricity price rises – accepted by members as a fixed term contract would introduce standing charges which are not applied to the account at present (there would be nothing to gain)

16. Public Participation (comments/other matters)
No comments or other matters.

17. To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items.
This was confirmed for Wednesday, 7th June, 2017 – 7.30pm.

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