WPC Minutes September 2016

Weybourne Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 7th September, 2016 at the Village Hall, Weybourne. – 7.15pm.

Present: Janice Rose (Chair), Peter Gallally, Ruth Gallally, Walter Wood,
Mike Rayner, Robin Woodhouse, Pat Floyd, Penny Taylor and the Clerk. Also present were thirteen members of the public.

1a. To receive and consider apologies
Apologies were received from D.Young (NNDC).

1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items
No declarations of interest.

1c. To consider vacancy and co-option
The Clerk indicated that there was a possibility of a second application for the vacancy and members decided to leave a decision until the next meeting.

2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 3/8/16.
The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record subject to one minor amendment. The amendment was as follows :- at 6g regarding the bus shelter the heading should read RG, PG, and JR.

3a. Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)
There were requests from parishioners to speak at 5(d).

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.
The Clerk read D.Youngs report received via email (a) the sharing of senior management posts appears to be over (b) cabinet papers indicate an under-spend of £140k mainly due to being unable to fill staff vacancies (c) NNDC hoping to have a Business Centre and pilot a Sports Centre of Excellence. (d) NNDC Legal Dept. have been approached regarding 25a, Pine Walk (e) 48 hours notice required to be given for public speaking at Planning Development Committee meetings.

3c. To receive Police Report. – No report received.

4. Finance:
(a) To approve invoices for payment:-
P.Bullimore £246.20 (clerks salary), HMRC £61.60 (tax on clerks salary)
Weybourne V.Hall £15.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £30.44 (clerks expenses)
E-on £41.80 (electricity – lights), Weybourne V.Hall £5000.00 (donation re reprs)
Norse Eastern Ltd £305.57 (Playing Field Mtce)
*** The payments, as scheduled on the agenda, plus two urgent payments were approved. The urgent payments were as follows :- E.Farrow £45.00 (re VAS) and Secret Gardens £76.00 (grass cutting).
(b) To consider request for financial assistance re village defibrillator
Since volunteering to assist with the defibrllator Ms.Z.Taylor had been asked to speak with the PC regarding financial assistance. Members asked the Clerk to clarify the situation for discussion at the next meeting.
5. Planning:
(a) To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting
Confirmation of the Tree Preservation Order at Jericho House had been received.
(b) To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.
PF/16/1180: Erection of Porch at 2, Home Farm Rise:
It was agreed “no objections” to this application.
(c) To receive update re listing buildings.
The application to NNDC had been acknowledged verbally but as yet no decision had been made.
(d) To receive update & consider development at 25a, Pine Walk.
The Chair opened the meeting for parishioners to speak. All were unhappy with the work at 25a, Pine Walk and asked the PC to support them. The Chair pointed out that the PC was against developing this site in the first place and had since written strong letters of concern to NNDC Planning Dept. regarding many aspects of the development. Members had called for a site meeting and D.Young (NNDC) had worked tirelessly to sort out the many complaints. Following D.Youngs latest report (see item 3b) it would appear that some sort of enforcement action was being taken against the owners.
(e) PF/16/1107; New pitches & tourers at Woodlands, Upper Sheringham
It was agreed to make “no comment” regarding this application.

6. Highways & Footpath matters:
(a) To consider lack of signs along Beach Rd footpaths (JR)
The Chair expressed concerns regarding the lack of (a) dog fouling signs and (b) no cycling signs. It was agreed the Clerk asks NNDC re (a) and speaks to the NCC Highways Engineer re (b).
(b) To consider moving “no cycling” sign in Station Road. (JR)
The Chair stated that the sign was not effective because it was too high. It was agreed the Clerk brings this to the Highways Engineer’s attention.
(c) To receive update re Highways Partnership Scheme 2016-17 & 2017-18.
The Clerk had been informed that the “dropped kerb scheme” would be carried out in October or November when there was no holiday traffic.
(d) To consider new dog waste bin near the A149 bus shelter (JR)
The Clerk informed members that Glasdons supplied dog bins from approx. £90. After discussion it was agreed to buy a new bin for the bus shelter site.
(e) To consider repairs to light adjacent 8, Springfield Close
Following a report from the lighting contractors it was agreed to carry out work on the light adjacent to 8, Springfield Close. This needed straightening and re-concreting. The cost of the work was £211.02 plus VAT.
(f) To further consider parishioners letter re lorries etc in Church St/Station Road.
The Clerk would be returning to the parishioner who was keeping records re large lorries turning at the Church Street/Station Road junction in order that the Highways Engineer could assess the problem and consider placing signage on the A149 junction instead.
(g) To receive update re state of Shelter and Bus Stop area (RG, PG, & JR).
Work was progressing and the new dog bin would help improve the sites image.

7. Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)
Copies of the NALC training programme would be circulated to members.
8. Allotments:
(a) To receive report re allotments (RW)
RW had spoken with tenants re various matters and following Paul Brent terminating his tenancy has agreed that Andy Crawford takes this allotment.
(b) To consider quotation for fence (JR)
Tenants had asked for a fence on the southern boundary of the allotment gardens. The Chair had two quotations in her possession but more needed to be acquired. Members agreed to consider this at a future meeting and would bear in mind that balances had been reduced recently following the village hall donation (£5000).
(c) To consider purchasing a notice board (JR)
This was a further request from tenants and would be considered at a future meeting. The Clerk would obtain brochures/costs of notice boards.
(d) To review allotment tenancy agreement (JR)
Various points had been raised by tenants and it was agreed that a sub-committee reviews the agreement and reports back to the parish council. The sub-committee would be JR (substitute WW), RW, PT, and allotment holder KW.
(e) To consider maintenance of vacant allotments (JR)
This would be carried forward to a future meeting. The Clerk was instructed to place a poster re the vacancies on the notice-board.

9. Village Hall:
(a) To receive report re Village Hall (PF)
PF reported on further fund raising during the WCF Fun Day. There was no news re the Dudgeon grant application and other fund raising, towards the village hall repairs, was still progressing.
(b) To receive report re registration of village hall and land.
The solicitor had agreed to reduce their fee to £200 regarding registering of land not on the title deeds. The matter was now in the hands of the Land Registry.
(c) To consider fence for western boundary of village hall.
Following the earlier site visit prior to the meeting it was agreed that the contractor could proceed with the fencing work.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:
(a) To receive update re additional memorial adjacent to War Memorial
There was no further news from Father Blamire.
(b) To receive update re damage to cemetery wall.
The wall had been repaired although most of the old bricks could not be re-cycled. The insurance money (£670) had been received leaving the PC with the excess clause to pay (£125). RW asked the Clerk to get the builder to check the end sections of the wall again.
(c) To consider extension of contract with GardenAid (T.Hadlow)
It was agreed to renew A.C.Hadlow’s contract for a further 3 years under the current terms (Gardenaid £320 monthly). It was agreed to place an additional clause in the contract regarding the spraying of weedkiller regularly on the main cemetery path.
(d) To consider repair to step at eastern gate of churchyard (JR)
The Chair said that the step could be hazardous to some users and asked the Clerk to make enquiries regarding improvements.

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field: To receive report re HDPF (PT)
PT reported that the grant application to Tesco had not been successful. Bingo was returning at the end of the month.

12. Weybourne Community Fund: To receive report re WCF (RW)
RW reported on the success of the Fun Day pointing out that competition from other villages was increasing.

13. To note/consider Electoral Review of North Norfolk.
Members had no comments.

14. To receive General Correspondence (not included in agenda items above)
Nothing received.

15. Public Participation (comments/other matters)
The clerk was asked to enquire re the signage that had not been removed regarding a recent cycle race.

16. To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items.
This was confirmed for Wed. 5th October, 2016 (7.30pm)

The meeting closed at 9.05pm.

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