WPC Minutes August 2016

Weybourne Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday, 3rd August, 2016 at the Village Hall, Weybourne. – 7.30pm.

Present: Janice Rose (Chair), Walter Wood, Peter Gallally, Ruth Gallally,
Mike Rayner, Robin Woodhouse, Pat Floyd, Penny Taylor, and the Clerk.
Also present were six members of the public.

1a. To receive and consider apologies
Apologies were received from D.Young (NNDC), M.Baker (NCC), and R.Seabrook.

1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items
PF and MR declared a non-prejudicial interest in 4(b).

1c. To consider vacancy and co-option
An application for co-option had been received from an interested parishioner. After discussion it was agreed not to co-opt this person and the Chair and Clerk thanked him for applying. The Clerk would continue to advertise the vacancy.

2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 6/7/16.
The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record.

3a. Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)
All members of the public present wished to speak on item 8 (Allotments).

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.
Both councillors had offered their apologies.

3c. To receive Police Report.
This was received via email and reported the following :- (a) nine calls to the police during the past month (b) one recorded crime (c) next mobile police surgery would be on 27/8/16 (d) SNAP priorities remained the same. The report was noted.

At the Chair’s suggestion it was agreed to take item 8 next in order that members of the public could get away. See minute further on.

4. Finance:
(a) To approve invoices for payment:-
P.Bullimore £246.20 (clerks salary), HMRC £61.60 (tax on clerks salary)
Weybourne V.Hall £15.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £33.87 (clerks expenses)
E-on £40.46 (electricity – lights), Anglian Water £19.22 (allotment water).
*** The payments, as scheduled on the agenda, plus three urgent payments were approved. The urgent payments were as follows :- £114.00 Secret Gardens (grass cutting), £31.99 J.Rose (bus shelter materials), £429.60 N.Askew Landscapes (fixing bench seat).
(b) To consider request for financial assistance from Village Hall Committee
Members had all received the Clerk’s working paper on cash projections to 31/3/17.
The Clerk stated that the financial position and projection looked fairly healthy. PF gave a copy of the Village Hall Committees current balance sheet to councillors and summarised their financial position stating that they desperately needed funds to meet the cost of the major repairs. Grants had been applied for and NNDC’s Big Society Fund at offered £15k if it could be match funded. She asked that the PC would consider donating £5,000 to the repair fund bearing in mind that the hall was probably the most used village asset. PG stated that although this was a substantial sum of money he agreed with this amount. RW congratulated PF on what had been raised todate and queried whether a slightly smaller sum such as £4k would do. Members thought that a substantial sum was needed and when put to the vote it was agreed that the PC donated £5,000 to the Village Hall Repair Fund. (PF and MR did not vote).
The Clerk would schedule this payment for the next meeting.
(c) To note compliance with new Pension Regulations.
The Clerk stated that the appropriate action had been taken and the PC was now compliant, as employers, with the new pension regulations. Noted by members.

5. Planning:
(a) To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting
The following was noted and details would be circulated :-
PF/16/0349; The Folly, The Street; partial demolition of wall – permission given.
(b) To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.
PF/16/0946; Jericho Hse, Station Rd., – change of use to holiday let for the annexe.
It was agreed “no objections” to this application.
PF/16/0967; 26, Springfield Close; single storey extension.
It was agreed “no objections” to this application.
(c) To receive update re listing buildings.
The Clerk had submitted an application to NNDC Conservation Dept. for the Maltings Hotel to be included on their “local list of buildings of interest”.
(d) To receive update re development at 25a, Pine Walk.
The Clerk had received nothing further in writing regarding this matter and the Chair expressed her concerns that (a) no reply had been received to the PCs letter sent in May, 2016 and (b) a site meeting was required to consider all matters relating to this site. It was noted that Norfolk CC was to repair the adjacent pavement at its own expense. After discussion it was agreed that the Chair and Clerk send a strong letter of concern to Sheila Oxtoby (CEO, NNDC), N.Lamb MP, and N.Baker (Head of Planning, NNDC).
6. Highways & Footpath matters:
(a) To receive update re the pond in Beach Lane.
Following the decision to withdraw the grant application it was agreed to remove this matter from the agenda for the time being.
(b) To receive update re installation of the new bench seat on Station Rd.
The bench had now been installed and this would be removed from the agenda.
(c) To receive update re Highways Partnership Scheme 2016-17 & 2017-18.
There was still no news regarding the dropped kerb project. The 2017-18 scheme would be carried forward to the next agenda.
(d) To note NCC Highways Rangers visit week commencing 29/8/16.
It was agreed that the Clerk requests the Rangers to carry out the following :- (a) remove weeds/brambles from all highways signs (b) clear path of weeds encroaching, going west from the windmill to the Marlpit. (c) inspect drains for silt etc..
(e) To further consider parking/road safety adjacent to Railway Station.
It was agreed that this be removed from the agenda following agreement between the police and the steam railway to use “no waiting” cones at busy times.
(f) To further consider parishioners letter re parking etc in Church St/Station Rd.
The parishioner had agreed to keep records regarding lorries turning adjacent to his property (Church Street/Station Rd., junction). These would be submitted to NCC Highways Dept. to further assess the problem and possibly justify the cost of new signs on the A149.
(g) To receive update re state of Shelter and Bus Stop area (RG).
PG and RG had started the project and the area was considerably improved. Further work was still to be carried out.

7. Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)
The Clerk announced the following :-
NNDC, Merchant Navy Day – 3/9/16 (11am – 1pm) – Cromer Offices.
Norman Lamb MP – Village Tour – Friday 2/9/16 (10am) – Village Hall.

8. Allotments: To receive report re allotments (RW)
RW had met with tenants to discuss various matters. The Chair, with members agreement, adjourned the meeting for general discussion with members of the public. Matters raised included :- (a) possibility of a new fence (b) price per square yard per plot (c) raising money for allotment projects (d) responsibility for vacant allotments (e) notice board. The PC meeting re-opened and it was agreed that JR, RW, and allotment tenant Kay Waite, meet to discuss these and other matters further and determine what needed discussing by the parish council.

9. Village Hall:
(a) To receive report re Village Hall (PF)
PF had nothing further to report and thanked members again re the donation (4b).
(b) To receive report re registration of village hall and land.
Butcher Andrews Solicitors had written stating that a further fee of £400 plus a possible £200 Land Registry Fee would be required to register the small garden area at the front of the site that was not in the title deeds. (Clerk read the solicitors letter of 28/7/16). Members reluctantly agreed to proceed incurring the extra costs.
(c) To consider fence for western boundary of village hall.
A quotation in the sum of £290 had been received from Edward Farrow and was accepted by the PC. The Clerk would inform him that his quote had been agreed but he was to await further instructions before proceeding. There was no other quotations received.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:
(a) To receive update re additional memorial adjacent to War Memorial
There was no further news from Father Blamire.
(b) To receive update re damage to cemetery wall.
It was hoped the contractor would start the work a.s.a.p.

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field: To receive report re HDPF (PT)
PT reported on (a) fencing around the picnic area (b) memorial rounders match.

12. Weybourne Community Fund: To receive report re WCF (RW)
RW reminded members of the Fun Day in August. A letter had been received requesting access to the field for an ecological survey (going to WCF Committee).
13. To note/consider Electoral Review of North Norfolk.
To be circulated and carried forward to next agenda.

14. To receive General Correspondence (not included in agenda items above)
It was agreed that members names and contact phone numbers be placed on the notice board.

15. Public Participation (comments/other matters)
Problems regarding parking south of the railway station was raised.

16. To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items.
This was confirmed for Wed. 7th September, 2016. There would be an early start on site to confirm the village hall’s western boundary. (7.15pm)
The meeting closed at 9.45pm.

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