WPC Minutes November 2014

Weybourne Parish Council

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 19th November, 2014 at the Village Hall, Weybourne, commencing at 7.30pm
Present: Keith Morley (Chair), Peter Gallally, Mike Rayner, Robin Woodhouse,
Pat Floyd, Tony Baylis and the Clerk. Also present were four members of the public.

1a. To receive and consider apologies
Apologies were received from J.Rose, W.Wood, and P.Taylor. Apologies were also received from M.Baker (NCC) and D.Young (NNDC).

1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items
No interests declared.

2. To approve the minutes of the meeting held 1/10/14.
The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted as a true record.

3a. Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)
Members of the public requested to speak on item 6(f) and with members permission the Chair adjourned the meeting and took this item next. See appropriate minute at 6f.

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.
** M.Baker (NCC) had sent his apologies.
** D.Young (NNDC) reported on the following via e-mail :- (a) a meeting for prospective District Councillors – people wishing to stand in the May, 2015 elections (b) NNDC Legal Team had won a further award (c) the Cabinet was going out to tender for offers to run the Sheringham Tourist Information Office & nearby toilets. (d) the Cabinet would make a decision re the Cromer Market location at its next meeting. (e) NNDC are changing bankers (leaving Co-op; joining Barclays) (f) the full Council are expected to agree to recording meetings following a change in legislation.

3c. To receive Police Report
PCSO.Seabrook had reported via e-mail :- There had been two recorded crimes since the last meeting. The next Police Surgery would be on 23/11/14.

4. Finance:
(a) To approve invoices for payment:-
P.Bullimore £286.20 (clerks salary), Anglian Water £101.61 (allotment water),
T.T.Jones Electrical Ltd £49.96 (qtly maintenace charge),
Weybourne V.Hall £35.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £49.60 (clerks expenses)
Secret Gardens £152.00 (grass cutting), HMRC £15.00 (tax on clerks salary)
GraphicEdge £23.40 (signs), M.Sadler £320.00 (tree work at Marlpit)
** The payments scheduled on the agenda, plus one urgent payment, were approved. The urgent payment was as follows :- Royal British Legion £30.00 (donation/wreath)
(b) To consider financial assistance towards village defibrillator
It was suggested that an approach be made to the WCF to assist with the financing of a new battery required for the defibrillator. It was hoped that the cost (£195) could be split 50/50 between the WCF and the PC. Members agreed to pay the total cost if the WCF Committee could not contribute.

5. Planning:
(a) To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting
The following were noted :-
PF/14/1004; Biomass Boiler at The Ship, The Street – permission given.
PF/14/1146; Extensions at 4, All Saints Close – permission given.
(b) To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.
None received.
(c) To receive update re the Marlpit (meeting with planners re afford.housing)
The Chair reported on his meeting with the NNDC Affordable Housing Officers. However, searching through old parish council records, it would appear that the PC does not own the land but it is in the custodianship of NNDC as a “surveyors allotment”. The Clerk informed members that this needed further investigation and he would report back to members as soon as clarification had been obtained from NNDC.

6. Highways & Footpath matters:
(a) To receive update re the pond in Beach Lane.
There was still no reply regarding a request for assistance with management costs.
(b) To receive update re road safety nr.steam railway station (vehicle act.sign)
The Clerk informed members that a basic VAS costs £2,800 but with extras such as posts and brackets estimated the final cost to be around £3,200. The signs can accommodate varying speed limits. The NCC Highways Engineer (S.White, N.Nfk) is now responsible for agreeing all matters relating to these signs including sites etc..and the Clerk was instructed to liaise with him and put together a grant application for the NCC Highways Partnership Scheme 2015-16.
(c) To receive update re trees on west boundary of the Marlpit
All work had been completed – invoice approved at 4(a).
(d) To note visit of NCC Highways Rangers.
It was noted that the Rangers were in the village week commencing 1/12/14.
(e) To consider the maintenance of the bench seat on Station Rd
PF was still to make enquiries with a local tradesman regarding repairs but the Clerk was asked to obtain prices regarding a new “eco-friendly seat” in case members considered it more economic in the long term to purchase a new seat.
(f) To consider parking adjacent to steam railway station (PF).
The Chair adjourned the meeting and went on to summarise the situation and invited members of the public to speak on this matter. Due to the closure of a piece of land adjacent to the railway station parking had become a problem. KM understood the land owners position and reminded members that the use of his land was gifted to parishioners and rail users. A business owner and a parishioner both spoke of the problems now being experienced and highway safety was also being compromised.
It was asked whether the steam railway could keep expanding (a large engine shed had been erected recently) without much regard as to whether there was sufficient parking for their customers. The Chair suggested that this matter would have to be drawn to NNDC’s attention. PF, who had placed this item on the agenda, hoped that the old car park could remain open and disclaimer signs erected regarding the use of the land. PF also thought that the steam railway should be involved as their customers used this land regularly. TB queried whether council tax monies should be spent on what was mainly for the benefit of rail users. After much discussion the Chair re-opened the meeting and it was agreed that he approaches the land owner with a view to leasing the land and the Clerk contacts D.Young (NNDC) who could make enquiries with the planning department about the recent building at the station and the apparent loss of car parking spaces on their premises.

7. Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)
Nfk.Coast Partnership – meeting re storm surges – Blakeney, 28/11 – KM,PG attend
NNDC Parish Council Forum – Bodham 24/11/14 – noted.

8. Allotments:
(a) To receive report re allotments. (RW)
RW asked members to consider the situation whereby non-parishioners were using an allotment. In the first case it appeared that the tenant had left the village and another person was cultivating it, and in the second case the users lived outside the village. It was agreed the Clerk informs both parties concerned that arrangements are now terminated due to parishioners now waiting for allotments. It was confirmed that allotments, from this point in time, were strictly allocated to parishioners only.

9. Village Hall:
(a) To receive report re Village Hall (PF)
PF reported further problems with the electrics. She was hopeful that recruits for the management committee might be able to assist with fund raising and grant applications.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:
(a) Update re signs in churchyard & cemetery re WPC responsibilities.
Two signs were in place adjacent to the churchyard and a further sign was to be placed at the cemetery entrance.

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field:
(a) To receive report re HDPF (PT).
KM reported that erection of the new equipment was progressing.

12. Weybourne Community Fund:
(a) To receive report re WCF (KM)
KM reported that the Annual Accounts had been adopted at the AGM and a copy for the PC would be available soon.

13. To receive update re new contract for the Clerk
The Chair reported that he had completed a draft contract to which the Clerk was just adding some remaining details. The Clerk said that the draft contract would be circulated.
14. To receive update re repairs/maintenance of the War Memorial
The second phase of spraying was now to be carried out in December. A hand-clean of the whole memorial would then complete the work. All the work was subject to suitable weather conditions.

15. To receive update & further consider car parking in the village.
There was no further update but it was agreed to keep this matter on the agenda.

16. To receive update re request to NNDC for residents free parking on the Beach Lane car park
Another negative response had been received from NNDC. It was agreed to remove this matter from the agenda.

17. To review/revisit the PC Website
Pictures of members to be uploaded would be taken next month

18. To receive General Correspondence (not included in agenda items above)
The Clerk reported on the following which would be circulated :-
Poster re Free Legal Advice at Merchants Place, Cromer (to go on n/board)
Information re the Weybourne Heating Oil Club.
Letter from N.Lamb MP re review of Annual Village Tour.

19. Public Participation (comments/other matters)
Members of the public had left the meeting.

20. To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items.
This was confirmed for Wed. 3rd December, 2014 (7.30pm)
It was noted that a decision re the Budget/Precept 2015-16 could be made at the
January, 2015 meeting.

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