WPC Minutes December 2013

Weybourne Parish Council 

Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday, 4th December, 2013 at the Village Hall, Weybourne, commencing at 7.30pm

Present: Keith Morley (Chair), Duncan Smith, Robin Woodhouse, Pat Floyd,

Penny Taylor, Tony Baylis and the Clerk. Also present were D.Young (NNDC),

and M.Baker (NCC).


1a. To receive and consider apologies

Apologies were received from Mike Rayner, Janice Rose, and Walter Wood. Apologies were also received from PCSO.Slade.

1b. To receive Declarations of Interest on Agenda items

No interests declared.

2.   To approve the minutes of the meeting held 6/11/13 (circulated)

The minutes, which had already been circulated, were accepted and agreed.

3a.  Public Participation (requests to speak on agenda items)

No members of the public in attendance.

3b. To receive reports from County & District Councillors.

D.Young (NNDC) reported on the following :- (a) the new housing allocation policy was introduced on 18/10/13; in theory this should increase the extent of “local” allocations (b) £100k approved to improve local play facilities (c) NNDC trying to ensure that the frequency of the Coasthopper service is maintained (d) plans are in hand to withdraw banking  business from the Co-operative Bank (e) fees and charges will increase by approx. 2.5% in the next financial year (excl.car parks).

M.Baker (NCC) reported on the following :- (a) a planned move from the Cabinet to the Executive Committee system (b) still waiting for legal councils opinion on the Incinerator (c) the Coasthopper subsidy seems like it will take a cut (d) there will be a large increase in the cost of transport to students (d) reminded members of the “Love Local” campaign – assistance for local charities.

3c. To receive Police Report

The Clerk read from an e-mail which stated that there had been no recorded crimes since the last meeting (the report would be circulated). There would be a local police surgery on 22/12/13 outside the village hall (3 – 4pm)

4.   Finance:

(a)   To approve invoices for payment:-

Secret Gardens £78.00 (grass cutting), R.Payne & Sons £60.00 (memorial report)        

E-on £125.72 (electricity), P.Bullimore £238.60 (clerks salary), HMRC £59.60 (tax)

Weybourne V.Hall £14.00 (hire of hall), P.Bullimore £14.70 (clerks expenses)

 Royal British Legion £25.00 (wreath)

*** The above payments, scheduled on the agenda, were approved.

*** The Clerk informed members that the grant money (£7,200) had been received from Norfolk CC and he had submitted an early VAT claim (£2,435) in respect of the LED lighting projects.

(b)    To note and consider NCC Budget Savings – “Putting People First”

It was agreed not to respond to the consultation as a corporate body but members would reply individually.

(c)     To consider PC Budget & Precept for 2014-15. (circulated)

The Clerk had circulated his working papers and draft budget figures which were adopted as a basis for discussion. The Chair summarised the situation stating that the Clerks figures looked accurate but members needed to bear in mind that the Government could introduce capping for parish councils and NNDC might not always award a grant in respect of the local council tax support scheme. PF suggested to members that going back to a precept of approx. £11k would penalise the council in the future if capping was introduced and such a low working base had been adopted. After discussion it was agreed to precept for £15,000 and accept the grant of £1,239 giving a total receipt of £16, 239. The Chair and two members duly signed the NNDC Precept form. It was noted that this was a considerable reduction on the previous year which amounted to £20,638 (including grant)

(d)    To consider renewal of Playing Field maintenance contract (HDPF)

Members noted that the contract for a further three years was for only £10 more than the current contract and included scarification, rolling, and spiking as well as cutting throughout the season. Members were happy with the services of NORSE and agreed to extend their contract. (£501 + VAT per season). The Clerk would sign the appropriate forms for transmission to NORSE.


5.  Planning:

(a)    To note information/decisions received from NNDC since last meeting

The following were noted :-

(i)                 PF/13/1067; Dwelling at 25, Pine Walk – a site meeting had been called by NNDC Planning Committee (12/12) and a decision would be made on 19/12/13. – Noted.

(ii)               PF/13/1202; Extn etc at 1, Springfield Close – permission given – Noted.

(b)    To consider planning applications received since agenda was printed.

None received.

6.  Highways & Footpath matters:

(a)    To receive report re the pond in Beach Lane.

The Clerk informed members that he hoped to have a report from the Environment Agency in time for the next meeting.

The Clerk was instructed to write to NCC Highways regarding an encroaching hedge on a path in Holt Road.

7.  Meetings & Conferences (to receive reports and announcements)

NNDC “Standards Event” at Cromer on 11/12/13 – this was noted but it was still hoped to have a member of the NNDC Monitoring Staff attend a PC meeting.

The Clerk reported his attendance at a Coasthopper consultation meeting.

8.  Allotments:

(a)    To receive report re allotments (RW)

RW reported that things were going well. There was still a number of smaller plots to be sorted out after which the Clerk would send rent invoices.

9.  Village Hall:

(a)    To receive report re Village Hall (PF)

PF reported that the problems with the gate had been rectified and the Christmas lights were now in place and looking good.

(b)    To receive update & consider dangerous trees adjacent to V.Hall.

Only one written quotation had been received following tender requests from three contractors. It was agreed to accept the quote in the sum of £250 from M.Sadler of Glandford who would be instructed to proceed with the work. The Clerk would obtain a copy of his public liability insurance before work commenced.

10. Cemetery & Churchyard:

(a)   To receive verbal report  re work on trees.

The Clerk had still not heard from Norfolk Trees who had been instructed to carry out the work. Members agreed to review this matter at the next meeting.

(b)   To consider request from PCC to have shingle “topped up” on church footpath

It was agreed to carry out this work following a brief report from the Clerk when he stated that Gardenaid had quoted a maximum price of £150. The Clerk would inform the Contractor and the PCC accordingly. The work would be carried out after the tree pruning had been completed (see 10a).

11. Harry Dawson Playing Field:

(a)    To receive report re HDPF (PT).

PT reported that the fence had been completed and there had been a very successful Christmas Bingo.

12. Weybourne Community Fund:

(a)    To receive report re WCF (KM)

The Christmas Tree was being erected in the churchyard tomorrow night. KM had already announced the party dates.

13. To note acknowledgement from IFCA re marine byelaws

A standard acknowledgement had been received stating that responses were being considered and a further reply would follow.


14. To receive update re creation of a PC website.

Nothing further to report.

15. To receive update regarding the new village hall scheme/parish plan.

Following last months meeting the Chair asked for members opinions on parish plans and whether it was appropriate to proceed with a plan for Weybourne. KM spoke of the PP as a vision for the future whereby parishioners had more of a say in the control  and development of the village. RW was fairly positive with the idea but other members expressed concerns as to whether this was the way forward for the parish council. TB thought it to be not necessary with Weybourne being too small for a parish plan. DS and PF agreed with TB who also thought that problems such as speeding traffic and parking should be the main concerns of the parish council. PT was not in favour or against a parish plan but wished to be better informed before coming to a decision. With only six members present DS suggested that this should be left until the next meeting when hopefully a full council could make a decision. This was agreed.

16.  To receive General Correspondence (not included in agenda items above)

The following would be circulated :-

(a)    an e-mail update from M.Baker (NCC) re problems on the road to Bodham.

(b)   Dudgeon Offshore Windfarm – Autumn Newsletter.


17.  Public Participation (comments/other matters)

No members of the public present.

18.  To confirm date of next meeting – future agenda items.

It was agreed the next meeting would be on Thursday, 2nd January, 2014 (7.30pm)

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